
Mike Moran
Senior Strategist
Solosegment & Converseon
Mike Moran
Mike Moran has been working in Artificial Intelligence since the 1980s, during his career at IBM Research and other IBM divisions, including ibm.com. Mike developed several IBM software products and also served as a technical architect, development manager and product manager before retiring from IBM in 2008 as a Distinguished Engineer, an executive-level technical position held by fewer than 400 employees. Mike is certified as Distinguished IT Architect by Open Group, a Certified Speaking Professional by the National Speakers Association, and is the author of three books on digital marketing and the impact of technology. Mike operates a solo consultancy focused on product management for AI startups and also serves as Senior Strategist for both Converseon and Solosegment, two Martech software companies that employ AI to solve difficult problems facing large company marketers.